About Us
Our People
The management team comprises of professionally qualified managers with backgrounds in forestry, acquisitions, accounting and finance.
IForUT’s ‘Remuneration Policy’
At the core of IForUT’s investment delivery are its people. IForUT prides itself in implementing a culture of excellence, staff engagement, shared problem solving and recognition. This is testament to IForUT’s low staff turnover and long-standing investor relationships. IForUT clearly sees the return on personal investment in terms of professional development, business schooling and mentoring through challenging roles.
IForUT prides itself at being at the forefront of forestry investment management and its continuous development of systems and technologies that facilitate the optimisation of its forest asset.
Core Competencies
As the business and regulatory environment has become more demanding, so to have the skillsets and competencies demanded from the management team. IForUT has been articulate and diligent in acquiring and developing the key competencies required in financial control, IT delivery, compliance management and stakeholder engagement.
What We Do
Invest in Forestry
The Irish Forestry Unit Trust grows sustainably managed certified timber for the Irish wood processing industry. Logs are supplied to sawmills for onward processing into wood products for wood-based construction, and fencing for agricultural and domestic use.
Since its inception, the Irish Forestry Unit Trust has focused on maintaining strong working relationships with professionally qualified registered foresters who manage all aspects of forest management across our portfolio of properties and skilled local contractors who provide machinery and labour to undertake all forest operations including woodland creation, timber harvesting, haulage, road building, and tree planting and maintenance services.
The assets of the Trust are held by a Trustee, Northern Trust Fiduciary Services Ireland, on behalf of investors and managed by Irish Forestry Unit Trust Forestry Management Limited. Irish Forestry Unit Trust Forestry Management Limited is an authorised Alternative Investment Fund Manager regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Committee of Management
The Irish Forestry Unit Trusts committee of management is made up of investor representatives and industry professionals to provide guidance and expert advice to the Fund Manager.
IForUT is a member of the Irish Timber Growers Association, the Tree Council of Ireland and Forest Industries Ireland (FII).
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